Welcome to
Circle of Seven Longhorns!

In October 2018, we visited a Texas longhorn breeder, and we decided to purchase 2 cows, 4 heifers and a young bull. Hence, Circle of Seven Longhorns was formed! 
We could not be happier with what our longhorns have brought to our ranch home and to our ranch business. We also own an on-site wedding venue, and our longhorns have been quite the draw to our ranch. We have had visitors from all over the world delighted to meet these majestic animals. And they soon learn, I love talking about them!
We love our longhorns for their unique color, various horn types, resilience, mothering instinct and unique personalities. We have longhorns of almost all colors and horn-types. Overall health, fertility, mothering ability, docility and beauty play a key factor in our selection process in our breeding herd. And in 2023, we have learned the value and tastefulness of longhorn beef. Though our beef customers base is very small, we are honored to provide such a heart-healthy option. 
We thank our numerous customers for believing in our program, and we hope our longhorns make you as happy as they have us.